Thursday, January 14, 2010

All Roads!

All Roads…
December 2009

with Amber Hodges

On November 8th thirteen people were confirmed into the All Saints Episcopal family. I had the honor of being a member of that group. As I sat there with my fellow confirmands and my new church family, experiencing the Holy Spirit flow through the service, I felt many things: love, pride, joy, and safety. I also experienced a moment of surprise. If someone had told me two years ago that I would be not only worshipping regularly at a church, any church but actually becoming a member, I would have thought they were a little crazy. Yet, here I was. God found me where I was, accepted me as I am, and brought me to this place. I was reminded of the Gaelic blessing that has always been a personal favorite of mine:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Curiosity about the paths of the others sitting with me that day led me to ask Fr. Jos to send out a brief survey to the new members. The survey asked a couple of basic questions about what brought them to All Saints and what they liked most about the church. What I discovered was a small group of people with a wide variety of previous religious experiences, professions, and interests. However, this diverse group had surprisingly similar responses about what they liked most about All Saints: the people, diversity, openness to ideas and the compassion of Father Jos. Every person expressed feelings of being met where they were and feeling welcomed, loved, and accepted as a member of the All Saints family.

The Holy Spirit is alive and well in the halls of All Saints. This church has become a beacon of God’s light, illuminating roads of peace, love, and acceptance for all who come to the table with us. During this season of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus, we perpetuate that spirit every time we open our heart to each other.

May the road continue to rise up to meet you all, just where you are.

Peace & Hope…Amber

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